Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving In Retrospect: The Within and The Without

I assisted in feeding 500 plus men at a housing facility(shelter) for broken dreams, misplaced promises, unfulfilled commitments and trails of hurt. I saw myself in so many men on today that spiritual synthesis, I.e. self-assessment, soul-searching, kairos moment, and humility.

I saw the work of God. Today, His creations stood before me with everything that a man could ask for.

Please help me with all the answers about today. I have a member with pancreatic cancer who asked to help on today but was not able. He would help me to synthesis suffering. The within and the without.

I do understand that suffering on any level is not good or is it? Is fair or not fair?

I saw God at work on today. The Pilgroms' aftermath or ascent of the slaughter. We call it Thanksgiving.Abraham Lincoln's flight of civility during a bloody war between brothers. We call it Emancipation. I feed the hungry and did thousands across this country. We call it: Love/Social Gospel. I saw God today. I call it Hope.

Every man that stood on the other side of my spoon represented when God responds to the slaughter of innocents, destruction of family, desecration of divinity's finest: Don't ever lose the battle within.

He responds with hope.